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Signs Your Child May Have a Dental Problem

Posted on October 13th, 2024

Examining your child’s mouth isn’t easy! Their bone structure is still developing, and they might have difficulty opening wide—if they don’t, you’ll probably need a flashlight and a dental mirror for examination. 

Your Bolivia and Oak Island dentists at Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry, are equipped with a comfortable dental chair for them to lean back in, an illuminating overhead light, intraoral cameras, and X-ray imaging that helps us get an accurate picture of the condition of their teeth, gums, jawbone, and tongue.

However, if your child is experiencing any dental issue, such as gum disease, a tongue tie, or tooth decay, there are telltale signs you’ll notice, such as your little one avoiding eating or drinking because of sensitive teeth.

Physical Cues

Young children may not be able to verbally express that they’re experiencing pain, but if they’re drooling, rubbing their faces, having trouble sleeping, or even acting out angrily, bringing them to Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry is a good idea. We can talk more with you about the most common dental symptoms that indicate trouble and explain potential causes.

If you’re concerned for any reason about your child’s dental health, don’t hesitate to contact Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry! We’re here to ensure your little one’s smile doesn’t cause them pain.

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

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