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Posted February 27, 2022 / Blog, Dental Services, Dental Technology
The Doctors of CCFD

What to Expect: Your Child’s First Visit to the Orthodontist

If you had to undergo orthodontic treatment as a child or teen, hearing it recommended for your little one might make you wince—we understand! However, we’d like to assure you that just like general dentistry and treatments today, orthodontic care has improved in hopscotch-style leaps and bounds!  Thanks to advances in technology and early intervention,… (Read More)

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Posted January 27, 2022 / Blog, Dental Technology
The Doctors of CCFD

Six Months to a Straighter Smile

Six Month Smiles® is a short-term orthodontic treatment that adds some updated twists to traditional braces—with average treatment times of only six months! No one loves the way metal wires and brackets look, and for teens and adults who are concerned about the appearance of their smile during orthodontic treatment, the clear brackets and tooth-colored… (Read More)

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Posted December 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
The Doctors of CCFD

Pregnant Moms & Oral Health: Brushing & Flossing for Two

There are so many things to be concerned about when you find out you’re expecting. Eating right, taking enough vitamins, getting enough rest, telling your husband there is absolutely no way you are naming your firstborn son Bud Light… but what about your teeth? There’s an old saying—“you lose a tooth for every baby”—but those… (Read More)

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Posted December 14, 2021 / Blog, Dental Technology
The Doctors of CCFD

Is It Time for Braces Already?

These days, people of all ages receive orthodontic treatment, but many of us still associate braces with the awkward and angsty pre-teen and teen years. While some kids are excited about braces because they know some “cool” teenagers who have them, others may worry about how braces might look or feel.   Mom and Dad are… (Read More)

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Posted November 26, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
The Doctors of CCFD

Are Baby Bottles Bad for Baby Teeth?

Tooth decay in infants and very young children is often called baby bottle tooth decay. This happens when liquids with natural or artificial sugars remain in an infant’s mouth for extended periods of time. Bacteria in the baby’s mouth thrive on these sugars, using them to produce acids that attack the teeth and gums. Today,… (Read More)

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Posted November 13, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
The Doctors of CCFD

Is Thumb Sucking Dangerous?

Thumb sucking is normal behavior for babies and young children. But just how normal? More than 75% of little ones suck their thumbs, fingers, hands, pacifiers, or other items such as the corner of a blanket during these early years. Most kids stop this behavior on their own between the ages of three and six…. (Read More)

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Posted October 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Technology
The Doctors of CCFD

Dental Implants: A Brief History of Tooth Replacement Innovation

Today’s dental implants boast a long-term success rate of near 97%. Because implants support surrounding teeth, encourage new tissue growth and continued bone formation, and give patients back full chewing ability and a complete smile, they have become the industry standard for tooth replacement.  Today, your Bolivia & Oak Island dentists at Coastal Cosmetic Family… (Read More)

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Posted September 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Services, Dental Technology
The Doctors of CCFD

Filling in the Gaps: Restoring Your Smile & Quality of Life

Life is full of unexpected surprises, and while we’d love for all of them to be smile-inducing, that’s not entirely realistic—and there may be many reasons you hide your smile. If you’re hiding your smile because of one or more missing teeth, we want you to know you’re not alone. In fact, 120 million people… (Read More)

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